Saturday 25 May 2013

The Life of an Actress...or Not?!

Felicity slowly sipped her tea, her pinky finger extended and her eyelids glamorously fluttering. Wearing her pink gown adorned with miniature pearls and trimmed with lace, she looked like a million bucks. With numerous servants waiting on her every waking minute, she felt on top of the world. If she was bored, she didn't show it. Everyone wanted to be like her. She's exactly what you'd imagine when you thought of how a rich actress would be living: bathing in their own wealth.

Reality: Me, Kanani: I woke up with a start to my annoying radio, blaring through my ears. Even fully-stuffed feather pillows wouldn't be able to block out that ridiculous ringing. How did I manage every single time to set it to the irritating BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! instead of an upbeat song from the radio to wake me up? With the sunlight blinding my eyes, I stretched as far as I could out of my bed without actually leaving it, and tried to turn my alarm off. Unfortunately I ended up clumsily knocking my nightstand over, along with the radio, a lamp, and about five different fashion magazines. Great, just great. I crawled out of bed, unplugged my radio, and took a step forward. Now I was in the kitchen! I live in probably the world's smallest apartment. Who has both a bed and their closet in their kitchen?!

I put the silver kettle on the stove, and shuffled around in my bare feet on the cold wooden floor. Digging around in the fridge and cupboard, I managed to gather up an edible breakfast. I poured some slightly stale cereal in a tiny bowl - I only owned puny bowls or large mixing bowls. I wish I could've had toast with fresh jam, but I didn't even own a toaster. Using the last few drops of milk left for my cereal, I sat down with my coffee and the newspaper from last month. The coffee tasted bitter, and my cereal didn't even have a hint of flavour.

After finishing my minimal breakfast, I grabbed a dress that I'd worn several times in the past week, and a pair of worn-out flip flops. I threw up my hair in a messy bun and disguised myself with some white Wayfarer sunglasses. Grabbing my keys in one hand, I drifted out of my apartment and into the busy, bustling city square. I didn't even know what to do. I barely had any money, since all of the money I made at my restaurant went to buying more ingredients to cook with. Life was horrible as an actress. People like Felicity should go and die in a hole, or at least stop giving everyone false expectations of the "spectacular" life of an actress.

-Kanani (The One and Only)


  1. This is really good :) Part 2! Part 2! :D

    1. AAAAAAH thank-you so much for commenting!!!!!!!!! :D I got so excited when I saw that there was a comment, and when I saw it was from you I got even MORE excited!!!! I definitely will make part 2! Maybe I'll even keep this ongoing, and post every week!
      -Kanan (The One and Only) :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
