Saturday, 9 March 2013

Crazy Filming is D-O-N-E!!!

Yo peeps! (Haha, goin a little street there! xD LOL)

Finaaaalllyy, after a week or so, Summer finally finished filming, so I can finally lie down!! I was STANDING FOR OVER A WEEK!!!

And I know that I promised I'd never talk about filming/YouTube related shtuff on this blog, so I'm reeeeally sorry! But as you know, I AM an actress, so I sort of have to. :P Of course, if SUMMER WOULD FRIGGIN JUST GET HER OWN BLOG ALREADY we wouldn't have this problem....

So, sit back, relax, and view these pictures that give you a sneak peek at the new stop motion (which is going to be a contest entry, so you know we worked EXTRA hard on it!).

Hehe, there's my hand serving shave ice! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

And here's me checking to see if there's still ice in the machine (um, duh Kanani, it's a SHAVE ICE MAKER!!!!)

Here's me saying "SO LONG SUCKAS!!" cuz I'm apparently fed up or something (gosh, someone sure has anger issues!).

And here's a photo (edited) of me! Teeehee, don't I look lovely? ;)

Thank-you for reading, and make sure to comment if you want! :)

-Kanani (The One and Only)