Saturday, 19 May 2012

New Doll

Okay, so all of the dolls have been wondering which new doll Summer is going to get, and she's been thinking about McKenna for a while...but now she's not so sure. See, with American Girl putting up all those signs urging you to get her because she's only here for a year, it really doesn't help when deciding which doll to get! If Summer DIDN'T get McKenna, she'd get Julie, and possibly Julie's twin or sister, which is the newer My American Girl doll that looks like Julie but just with shorter hair.

Also, with McKenna's unique bangs, it's hard to pick. But, Summer's not so big on her face least for that doll. She just can't decide! I'm kinda leaning towards Julie...and it's not because McKenna's the new GOTY I'll tell you that...I'm serious!

So, what do you think? Comment on this blog entry (you don't need a blogspot account, just be a 'guest') and tell me which doll you think Summer should get!

-Kanani (The One and Only)