Okay, so if u read my last post, I said that Summer was deciding on what doll to get, between Julie and McKenna and let me tell you: she isn't getting either of them! That's her all right: changing her mind at the last minute! xD
But, she always HAS wanted Lanie (well, except when Lanie was AVAILABLE), so she got a great deal on eBay! YAY!!! We're getting her this Summer, so we'll maybe do a photo shoot since we don't have enough props to do a great stop motion, but Lanie is a nature person, so an outdoor photo shoot would be cool!
I'm so excited for her! SHE is actually going to be my sister! :D Or cousin, though I think of Mia (which we ALSO don't have yet xD ) as more of my cousin, but we'll see...
ALSO, tomorrow is my last day of school! :D In total (this year) I think I went to school for 5 days? Though neither of them were full days! xD Oh my... LOL Yes, Canadians end school REALLY LATE! But next year they're letting them start later and all of this other stuff comes into the equation...so YA! :D
Hope you guys are having an amazing vacation! And you know what I just noticed: I can't express my personality!!!!!!! See, other dolls have skating, writing, and all of this other stuff for their personalities that they can do, but I don't really have one. :P Though, being EPIC does count as one... xD LOL
-Kanani (The One and Only)