-Kit & Molly will either go to Taryn & Brianne's house, or to the Merriman's house, or I will be dining at their house
-The Merrimans along with Samantha Parkington might invite Kirsten Larson with them as Samantha and the Larsons are related, so ya...
Nothing is really "Set in stone", as you could say, so, I guess the pieces of the puzzle will just fall where they fall! ;) And maybe a Thanksgiving video will come out too! ;) I'm really into winking today! ;) lol
Also, this is very iffy, but we might create a website! Someday we probably will, but hopefully it'll be really soon! Inspired by: www.ourdolls.net
If you haven't been to that website, boy are you missing out! GO NOW!!!!! :D
If you're reading this, please comment to tell me you are! And maybe say something else too...
Luv ya!
-Kanani (The One and Only...) ;)
P.S. Photo courtesy of www.ourdolls.net (It's a website that you need to go to RIGHT NOW!!!) ;)